Monday, September 30, 2013

DTC International Ltd Announces Launch of New and Updated Website

DTC International Ltd now has a modern and updated website with enhanced business services and product supply chain capabilitiesThe new site ( features a refreshed design and is filled with new and updated corporate content that’s easy to navigate.

The additions and improvements to the website include:
     A complete overhaul of the Products Page detailing additional information on products and stock selection.
     New pages includes: Sustainability, Cable Recovery and About Us pages.
     Improved connectivity and added links to social media accounts and an e-newsletter signup form.
     The site is now available in 71 languages with a translator available on every page on the site.
     All text has been refreshed to better represent DTC International's corporate identity and business objectives.
     New images and branding updates have been added to incorporate and emphasise DTC's brand, which enhances the online awareness and identity.                                                                                        

James Norden, Chief Operating Officer at DTC International Ltd sees the potential benefits in the new web site,

“This new website will allow DTC International Ltd to maintain a strong position in the competitive UK telecoms market, as well as expanding our global reach. We hope to see increased demand and enquiries for our services and products as a result of our new website going live.”

The website has been re-designed and updated in close corporation with The Web Workshop, and DTC look forward to continue working with them to ensure the website remains up to date, and continues to reflect business services to best suit the market telecoms industry.

DTC would appreciate any feedback on the new website to ensure it meets the needs of their clients and continues to attract new business. Please email any feedback to 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

DTC International Ltd attracts funding from Northamptonshire Enterprise Partnership INV-ENT program.

DTC International attracts funding from Northamptonshire Enterprise Partnership INV-ENT program.

DTC International Ltd has again been successful in gaining funding from Northamptonshire Enterprise Partnership’s (NEP) INV-ENT (Innovation & Enterprise) fund. The funding will be used to support and expand DTC’s cable recovery and recycling operations to the global telecom industry.
In response to the global migration of telecom operators from copper cable to fibre optic infrastructure, DTC’s reverse logistics service directly addresses the recovery of this sunken, obsolete asset. This infrastructure, often untouched in the ground owing to perceived removal costs and logistical difficulties and low network priority, is removed, providing investment recovery and sustainability benefits.

NEP’s INV-ENT program enables funds to be reinvested into businesses to stimulate development, innovation, growth and to create new jobs. The fund was developed in 2011 and to date has invested £550,000 into enterprises in Northamptonshire.
The funding will be used to support specialist equipment purchases and to provide additional skills training for DTC recovery engineers complementing DTC’s other established services.

DTC International is a global business with central offices, warehousing and ATF (Authorised Treatment Facility) located in Northamptonshire, UK. DTC International’s innovative approach to Reverse Logistics and After Market Services covers a broad range of telecom network equipment from customer premises equipment, fixed and wireless global operator networks, private dedicated networks, data centres and copper cable infrastructure. All DTC’s processes are fully compliant with the WEEE Directive and carried out in accordance with duty of care under the Environmental Protection Act 1990.

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