Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Environmental Issues For Mobile Telecom Operators

Environmental Issues For Mobile Telecom Operators

Waste reduction, sustainability and corporate social responsibility are increasingly commanding the attention of business leaders and senior management globally within the telecommunications industry.

The rapid integration of new technologies into telecom infrastructures around the world has created a large surplus of redundant legacy equipment. In the mobile sector 4G LTE licenses and rapid deployment is leaving a huge global surplus of radio access network base stations and associated central office equipment.

In line with corporate environmental policies, operators need to recover, store and responsibly dispose of surplus equipment and material. The potential for investment recovery is here. The value can be released both through selected resale of equipment into the global secondary market and through regulated specialist recycling.

DTC International Ltd has launched a new recycling service for surplus legacy mobile radio network equipment, capable of processing high volumes on a global scale. The service guarantees material investment recovery, reduces operating expenses and emissions from mass storage, re-captures precious metals, and eliminates land fill.

DTC International has an in-house ATF (Authorised Treatment Facility) and Waste Carrier’s License and the company’s years of experience executing recovery and recycling projects on an international scale ensure all processes are fully WEEE compliant.

For more information on DTC International’s recycling and recovery services, please visit our website or contact us directly by phone or email.

T: + 44 (0) 1869 810 600